GGMS Community Blog — Update
Five Generations of Broozer Heads - A Look Into the Design Process
Posted by Tanya Gates on

Did a bit of digging and found the various 'generations' of head sculpts that I've done in the past, ranging from the very first organic test sculps I did to each following version. I hadn't done so in a while, and it really shows how rough the original designs were compared to what I'm able to do now.
Website Navigation Update - Making It Easy to Shop
Posted by Tanya Gates on

After I officially took over I found that we could do many things to create a visual brand for ourselves. I tried many themes until I found one that I felt really captured what we are as a brand: we are fun, innovative, and audacious. Enter our newest theme.
The Wreckers Are Coming!
Posted by Tanya Gates on

What happens when the Greenskins find themselves teleported into a realm of high fantasy and low technology?
What's Going On in May?
Posted by Tanya Gates on

While April was heavily focused on tanks, May will be a bit more diverse!