Gearguts' Honorguard Shield Bearer - A

Regular price $59.99

Sometimes a good offense is a robust defense, and no one knows this better than Gearguts' Da Boss. 

Gearguts has found the most offensive banner bearer that he could. This champion has an unmatched aggression, even by Broozer standards! He is ready to meet any threat to Da Boss head-on and at full-speed. His fearsome claw is ready to crush any threats in his way, and on the rare occasion that he has met a worthy adversary, he uses his enormous shield to block their attacks, or bash them off their feet. Like any good retinue member, this champion also has access to a withering amount of firepower to thin out distant foes as well. 

Approximate Dimensions: 140mm(L) x 140mm(W) x 95mm(H)

Suggested Base Size: 80mm Round

This is a high resolution resin miniature kit.  Many miniatures require a bit of cleanup and assembly and arrive unpainted.